With Browser Authentication from Entersekt, financial institutions (FIs) can futureproof their browser channel as part of a modern, more secure Context Aware™ Authentication strategy.

Stop fighting modern-day fraud with outdated authentication.

Browser Authentication

How it works.

Browser Authentication enables FIs to both silently and actively identify and protect customers transacting via their browsers, while delivering enhanced user experiences. Thanks to FIDO-enabled passkeys, passwordless methods – with or without an app – are now a reality.

Watch this video to see Browser Authentication in action.

Patented technology:

Entersekt, The Financial Authentication Company, continues its trailblazing innovation in the fight against financial fraud with its 99th software technology patent application being allowed by the US Patent office. Entersekt was recently awarded a new patent for its approach in enabling frictionless, multi-factor authentication (US granted patent “Frictionless MFA”). This now enables Entersekt to provide a Multi Factor Authentication solution without any explicit user interaction required.

The ultimate solution for FIs aiming to decrease friction and increase security for both banking and payment authentication.

What's unique is that our Browser and App ID use cryptographic proof of possession rather than relying on fingerprinting, which is what most authentication providers use. Cryptographic proof to identify devices and browsers is privacy-friendly and qualifies as a possession factor in multi-factor authentication. By combining possession and inherence factors, Entersekt’s Browser ID, combined with behavioral biometrics, identifies “trusted interactions” and makes frictionless, Context Aware™ Authentication for digital banking and payment fraud prevention possible.

Outcomes for your business.

Reduced reliance on device fingerprinting and cookies
Minimize the impact of the World Wide Web Consortium’s (W3C) decision to disable device fingerprinting soon due to privacy concerns.

Bypass cookies, which are increasingly being blocked – either manually by consumers or automatically by systems.

Provide consistency into the future with a solution built on new industry standards that are unaffected by these challenges.
World-class user experiences
Frictionless multi-factor authentication supported on most browser and OS systems:
• Silent possession factor = Browser ID
• Silent inherence factor = behavioral biometrics

Combine risk-based authentication and active modes of Browser Authentication to augment risk profiling and strengthen security.

Enable Strong Customer Authentication without increasing friction by combining silent and active browser authentication methods.
A more secure and versatile browser channel for banking
Transform your customers’ browser-based transactions into strong possession factors by cryptographically proving possession of a specific browser on a specific domain.

Digitally sign data from a customer’s browser, proving origin, integrity, and consent.

Enable multiple use cases, ranging from secure login to payment authentication.
Browser Authentication is part of Entersekt’s proprietary Context Aware™ Authentication solution that uses risk-based authentication data, a customer’s cross-channel interactions, and personalized authentication preference to minimize friction, prevent fraud, and deliver the best customer experience. Benefits include:

Use cases.

Account access
Authenticate customers digital banking access and login​
Money movement
Consent for push payments secured by identifiers, signals and authentication ​
Biometric authentication
Offer secure and easy access via FIDO enabled passkeys
Frictionless MFA
Establish user identity via Browser ID and behavioral biometric risk signals​

Market trends.

The cost of consumer fraud losses in 2022.
> $8.8 billion
Share of consumers interested in using biometrics to verify their identity or to make payments.
The average that a device fingerprint containing sensitive personal data persisted for.
11 weeks
The number of U.S. consumers who immediately block cookie consent when visiting a webpage.
Percentage of users who feel that being protected from browser fingerprinting is important to them.
> 40%

Protects against:

Man in
the middle

Product highlights:

key pair

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